Friday, September 18, 2009

No.. I mean, yes!!

This is the billionth time my toilet has gotten stopped up since I've been here. It's not my fault, it's the plumbing, and although they have had people come fix it at least 2 or 3 times now, it's still happening.

Not to mention that the 2nd time, they told me they would come at 4pm. But no, they woke me up at 7:30am. And today, they said they were coming at 9am, so I woke up early. It's almost 9:45 and they aren't here yet. It's really frustrating because I've only slept in once since I've been here, and I'm exhausted!

Thai culture is naturally really laid back. Laid back to a fault, if you ask me. Time means nothing to them. We've also learned that when asked a question, Thai people always respond with "Yes" even if they have no idea what you're talking about, even if they're lying (seriously, they do this on a daily basis--it's apparently disrespectful to say 'no', even if the answer really is 'no'). Perfect example: we went to a club last night. We asked the taxi driver in Thai and in English, "Can you get to Rangsit University? Pathum Thani?" He nodded vigorously. We were happy.

... Little did we know, he had no idea what we were talking about. It took almost 2 and a half hours to get home, when usually it takes 45 mins. The cab fare ran up to 800 Baht when it's usually $250. He did feel bad, so he completely waived the fare, but still... why lie in the first place?

Anyway. My point is... I'mma 'bout to smack some folks up in here if they don't fix my plumbing a.s.a.p. so I can sleep.

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