Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wow this is the longest break I've taken from posting.

Anyway. Still not much to tell. Halloween was fun, though!

I actually didn't go out on Halloween night because I went out the night before--I can't handle going out twice, so I opted to stay in and get some rest. Yesterday, the 3rd, was the official Halloween party thrown by my university, Rangsit International College. They rented out a nearby club for the night, provided tons of food, alcohol, and a great DJ. It was a ton of fun, and COMPLETELY FREE! All of the faculty members came, too, and they all dressed up. It was hysterical dancing in a club next to 50 year old professors (one of whom is related to the King!)...

Other than that, the main things on my mind have been preparing things at school for when I return... choosing my classes for the Spring, figuring out housing, and making sure that I've completed/will complete all my requirements to graduate. At this point, I'm really excited about my schedule! The classes will be really fun and the times are even better.

Philosophy 217: Contemporary Philosophy (required for my major)
Philosophy 336: Heidegger (once a week seminar)
Art 285: The History of Photography (fulfills a requirement and seems interesting)
Psychology 281: The Psychology of Dreams (for fun)
Religion 212: New Religious Movements (about cults n' such, for fun)
Physical Education 180: Ballroom Dancing (fulfills a requirement, will be hysterical)






Basically, 3 of my classes only meet once a week. One of them only twice a week. And the other 3 times a week. Definitely can't complain.

Dad departed from Nashville today and will be in Bangkok tomorrow night! I'll see him Friday. I'm really excited. Also, I'll only have a few weeks left here after he leaves, which will hopefully fly by really fast... like I've said before, although I have absolutely loved being in Thailand, I really miss Goucher, my friends, and my dogs (and my family but they've visited/are visiting).

Oh, and I'm seriously bummed about missing Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday, and although my university is having a Thanksgiving party, absolutely nothing beats the company and the meal at Aunt Kate's every year... :(

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