Monday, September 28, 2009

More photos from Kanchanaburi.

The Bridge Over River Kwai, also known as The Death Bridge. Built in the first several decades of the 1900s, over 160,000 workers died during it's construction. They were all prisoners of war, forced to work under horrific conditions.

There was a lot of touristy stuff around the bridge, including the opportunity to play with this little leopard cub (who was cleared being exploited for all the wrong reasons). This is my friend Novo from Mexico, he's on my program.

We also went to 2 caves that were filled with Buddhas and little worshipping areas.

The Erawan Waterfall at Erawan National Park. The water was perfectly clear, it was beautiful.

This sign is at the entrance of the trail to the waterfall. So funny! Unfortunately we didn't see any monkeys though...

1 comment:

  1. Haha! There were those same signs in Japan. They said that if you look a monkey in the eye, the park was not responsible for what would happen...also they snatch cameras and run away with them...
