Friday, September 11, 2009

We went to a club last night. It was a lot of fun. They had a live band play most of the night, and although I couldn't understand what they saying, they were REALLY good.

This morning I woke up to my landlord's aunt banging on my door, screaming things in Thai. My toilet is broken so she wanted to let the plumbers in, but it was early and I was still feeling a few drinks from last night... She's a really sweet woman though. I have no idea how to spell her name, but it's pronounced You-pin. Last night she told me that she's going to miss me when I leave Thailand, haha.

I've been meaning to tell y'all about this dessert/snack I eat every day. It's ice cream with white sticky rice at the bottom of the cup, then drizzled sweetended condensed milk on top. It sounds strange, but seriously-- it is INCREDIBLE, and you know how picky I am, haha. Pretty much all the food here is incredible, though.

We've made friends with a few Thai people. I already mentioned Rabbit, this adorable girl that is moving in across the street from us. She helps us out a lot when she's around and we're going to get dinner or something. Then there's Jom and Jul, twins who speak amazing English and come hang out at our apartments almost every afternoon.

I had my Buddhist Philosophy class yesterday. My teacher is a monk! He wears the orange robe and everything. Whenever he made a mistake during the lecture, he would say, "My bad, my bad...". It was hysterical. And monk life is very, very strict... he can't even touch a woman, for any reason at all, regardless of how old they are. For example, if I ever need to hand him something, he can't take it from my hand. I have to set it on a table for him to pick up, or give it to a male student to give to him. His name is Prisit, but we have to call him "Venerable Prisit".

K that's all. Bye.

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